Pretend play and dress up can inspire literacy in kids.

4 Ideas for a Simple Dress Up Closet

Do I want to be a butterfly or a superhero today?

Imaginative or pretend play is an important part of social development. Pretend play is nature's way of allowing children to develop social and language skills. Through dress up play there are no limits imposed upon a child’s imagination and anything is possible! Dress up and pretend play is one way children learn to be storytellers. They retell and reenact stories which is one of the first steps towards literacy.

1. Keep it Simple

Pretend play areas do not need to be elaborate or complicated. Authentic adult clothes and shoes, animals, insects and of course superheroes are always a hit.

Inspire pretend play with a simple dress up closet.

2. Location Choice

Small corners in rooms provide an inviting area with easy access to costumes. Closet rods or ropes can be mounted  between walls or shelves. Child size coat hangers or hooks invite play as well as organization.

Great dress up closet ideas for kids pretend play.

3. Come Play With Me

Dramatic play areas for children should be presented in a way that appears inviting and draws them into creating an imaginative world.

Pretend play costumes in a dress up corner to inspire open ended play.

4. Put A Few Costumes Away

Keep a few dress up items stored away and rotate them often to keep the excitement factor. 

Child playing dress up with play kitchen and stingray wings.

What's next? 

      Have fun and perhaps join in the imaginative play your child has created  by asking questions about the plot or interviewing their characters.  Social skills, language skills and storytelling are developing using what children have naturally, their imagination. If you wanted to add that extra something special to your dress up corner, check out our imaginative array of dress up wings and pretend play accessories and surprise your little one upon their next visit to the dress up closet!

Susan Jastram holds a Masters in Education with a specialization in curriculum and instruction and ESL, as well as a BA in French literature. She has instructed children and adults alike at educational institutions both in the US and in Europe. 

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